by Ooi Zi En
In the module, "experiencing space and location" in architecture is emphasised. We are introduced to the idea of neighbourhood and community in the subject, as well as an examination of the spatial typologies and poetics in architecture. For a straightforward living environment that explores architectural tectonics and experiences, we study and construct a variety of spatial typologies (such as linear, spiral, spine, central, etc.) in our early design work. The principal project then is designing a small-scale community building, in this case a memory repository, in an open landscape/suburban setting that interacts with the terrain, history, and socio-cultural activities of the site. The design work investigates the merging of the plan and section to produce an architectural form that is tectonically expressive, practical, and site-responsive. The design exercise also emphasises the part played by society in the creative architectural design process and ties to spaces with values and culture.
Project 01:
Experiencing Space
We provide a plan for spatial translation in groups of five students, with a focus on the spatial poetics of architecture. We had to identify and describe various modifying components' in architecture, and how they inform spatial use and experience, using an investigation of two precedent studies relating to spatial poetics in architecture. The uses and sensory circumstances of space are thus affected by tectonic representations of various spatial features. Additionally, the sectional drawing was to be studied and expressed in relation to the poetics and use of space.
1A :Â PRECEDENT STUDIES : Analyzing spatial poetics in architecture
We will choose two modifying elements and two precedent studies for section A. The next step is to recognise, comprehend, and analyse each modifying element from each precedent study in order to gain knowledge of the method and expertise used by the architect when incorporating the element into an architectural design in order to produce spatial poetics and experiences while maintaining functional design.
1B - Spatial Translation: Applying spatial poetic in architecture
We select one of three written narratives after studying the architecture work. By considering the spatial typologies, section-plan relationships, contextual factors, and most importantly, taking into account human scale, natural light, materiality, and textures, one can interpret the chosen narrative and translate it into a spatial experience flow of physical architecture structure with a similar experience on the spatial and the written narrative.
Through this research, I developed my self-exploration skills by studying how architects create architectural structures using a variety of poetical spatial and narrative experiences. A possibility to participate in a project to develop an architectural design based on a specific narrative was also provided by the project.
I am quite aware of my place within the group of five people. I enjoy sharing my thoughts during discussions about the project while also listening to others to pick up further information and ideas about the design. I did what I knew and learned what I didn't during the project, and I did a good job of playing my part as an idea and design thinker. We are unfamiliar with the digital modelling tool because this is our first time using it, but I am pleased with the effort we put into the project.
Project 02 :
The Discovery Centre
The major project requires student to individually explore architectural response within the context of the site and programmatic requirements of a small single volume public building for memory repository. The purpose is to showcase interpretive material related to the context/ place. Emphasis is given to design resolution integrating site, program and spatial poetics.
Project 2a | The Discovery Center (Genius Loci) - Site Analysis, Site Response and Design Concept
I learned a lot throughout the course of the project because it provided me with the opportunity to learn how to begin a project from the historical and cultural study of the site and how to analyse a macro and micro site condition by putting the knowledge we have gained into practise through site visits, data collection, architecture diagramming, SWOT analysis, and other methods. As an architectural solution that we could require during the design process, we can summarise all the information and combine it into a number of boards.
In my opinion, concept development strengthens the entire brief by expanding our understanding of "Genius Loci" and creating a design concept based on the information we have gathered. I am happy to have been given this task since it will help me as an architecture student be ready for a new phase in the field.